
Children are great imitators!

Children are great imitators!

Here at CrossFit Geelong; we have created an environment in which parents and children can train together!

Starting from the little tackers; we have a great enclosed area right near our training area to keep your babies & toddlers safe in your line of sight while you participate in classes.

Your school aged kids can also have the option of attending our Active Kids Program on Thursday’s after school.

If you have teenagers; we have plenty who come and join and train in classes with mum & dad to help combat the sedentary lifestyles of ipads and technology!

Promoting a family friendly environment is high on our priority list here at CrossFit Geelong. Monkey see, monkey do right?

Families who keep fit with each other see their attachment, social development and emotional management skills improve.

Downtime is really important, many people spend far too much time inactive, so when families exercise together they gain the combined benefits of being together, growing together and encouraging each other to be active.”


The pay offs are enormous; Families who are able to approach challenges together with an optimistic outlook can develop strong conflict-resolution skills and become more resilient.

When talking to our clients, we certainly find Parents want to be positive role models to their children.”

More than one in four Australian children between five and 17 are overweight or obese, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, while the overall rate of overweight or obese adults increased from 56 per cent in 1995 to 63 per cent in 2015. This is rising all the time.

Teenagers can be notorious for not wanting to have conversations, but you will find if you engage with your teenager, they will start to talk about the exercise and found some common ground to share with their parents.

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